Monday, December 28, 2009

It's a marshmallow world in the winter...

It would appear that I am not exactly proficient with the disciplined writing thing. In fact, when it comes to blogging you might say that I stink. And not like a good, smelly cheese stink. I just don't seem to be able to make myself sit down and find something (hopefully) interesting to say on a regular basis... probably because I'm too scatterbrained most of the time to remember that I'm supposed to do it. I'm not giving up, though. I just have to find a way to kick myself in the pants and get it done! So here we are, in December, with a new year just about to begin, and I find myself with the chance to make a new start, get the ball rolling, do SOMETHING. Something, something, something... oh my.

Right now there is a beautiful white blanket over my hometown, or rather, there is the ratty remains of a white blanket that still has some gorgeous spots hidden around here and there. Last Thursday morning, while I was working the dreaded Christmas Eve day, "aren't we done yet?" shift it began to snow. And oh boy, what a snow! Now, say what you will about the weather in the midwest, with all the included inconvenience and mess but I LOVE snow. Especially at Christmas, and this was a doozy. In 12 hours or so we got 4 inches, but with crazy winds that drifted snow over steps and curbs and trees, really giving it that "marshmallow" look.

Needless to say, my in-laws dogs had a BLAST rolling around in it... Nothing like a couple of 100+ pound dogs in 2 feet of snow. And while travelling was a little scary on Thursday, everyone got here safe and sound for a gorgeous White Christmas. My sister-in-law and I even made snow angels.

When there's snow at Christmas I don't know how anyone can help feeling like a child, in the most wonderful way. The christmas lights twinkling on the tree and houses and the glitter of snow, the absolute stillness that seems to fall over the world just like the snow that changes familiar landscapes... all of this lends an air of magic.

I love the hush of cold nights and the crunch of boots in the snow but even more I love the feeling that anything is possible. And let's face it... adults might grumble about the roads and the temperature but how many children do you know who don't appreciate the beauty and the wonder of snow?

Shouldn't we all maybe be a little more like that?

1 comment:

Melodie said...

Hurray for you! I love your blogs.